FresnoCOG learns how to say “transit” in five different languages
Community members showed up in force to make their voices heard at FresnoCOG’s May workshops for their upcoming Regional Transportation Plan.
400 ppm and the Governor is loaning away climate funds?
This entry is cross-posted from TransForm’s blog.
Even as he acknowledged that we are nearing a climate tipping point and that it will take two more years to recover the jobs lost during the Great Recession, Governor Brown yesterday released a budget that punts fighting climate change and tackling a still-sluggish economy to an undisclosed date in the future.
Read moreSCAG Rocks the SCS, Literally
It’s the one year anniversary of Southern California’s groundbreaking SCS/RTP, so I made the pilgrimage to Palm Desert for SCAG’s annual gathering to see how the Sustainable Communities Strategy is playing out in California’s largest and most diverse region.
Read moreCap-and-Trade Investment Plan Prioritizes Transportation and Sustainable Communities!
As regions throughout the state have been developing their first round of Sustainable Communities Strategies, one question that has consistently been asked is: “How do we fund all of these great projects?” And now, with the release of the California Air Resources Board’s Draft Investment Plan for the cap-and-trade program, we are hopeful that regional and local governments may soon have another revenue option.
Read moreBuilder group seeks to limit input from SACOG
The saga of the Cordova Hills mega development project in the Sacramento region continues. In February, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved an 8,000 unit subdivision in Cordova Hills, a sprawling development that, if built, will threaten Sacramento’s economic and environmental future. Last week, a group of commercial developers called Region Builders recommended that the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) silence its staff from offering opinions on development projects. Executive Director of SACOG Mike McKeever offered critical testimony of Cordova Hills at a supervisors hearing in January, and after that, the Region Builders sent a letter to SACOG expressing concern about SACOG’s opposition to projects. Now, they are recommending that SACOG staff only provide technical data to local governments on projects, not opinions.
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