Why planners should be talking about Ferguson

By Chanell Fletcher, Carey Knecht, and Richard Raya

On Monday, a grand jury failed to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager. Since this verdict, protests have erupted in cities around the country.

And all of us at ClimatePlan have been unable to stop thinking about it.


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Bringing environmental justice to Southern California’s transportation planning

On November 20, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is holding its first Environmental Justice Workshop. This is an exciting opportunity to improve health, prosperity, and access for disadvantaged communities across California’s largest region.

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Wins for state transportation funding – Now weigh in!

To fight climate change, we need to make it easier for people to drive less, by supporting public transportation and helping people walk and bike more. The laws AB 32 and SB 375 point the way there, but the real test is what transportation projects actually get funded.

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Update: Air Resources Board’s next steps

Good news! The state’s Air Resources Board has outlined a plan that should result in meaningful updates to regional greenhouse-gas reduction targets. At its meeting on October 24, the Board ultimately supported the direction outlined in the staff report. (This blog post offers more background.)

Here’s the upshot:

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Support a stronger law to reduce greenhouse gases and fight climate change!

California is starting to make a huge change. The state is finally acknowledging that what’s bad for the environment (and for communities) is the amount of driving we do, not the amount of traffic.


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