Bay Area

Golden_Gate_Bridge-300x200.jpgThe Bay Area adopted its Sustainable Communities Strategy, called Plan Bay Area, on July 18, 2013, and ClimatePlan is now monitoring its implementation.

Find out more about Plan Bay Area here.

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Regional Resources

Health co-benefits and transportation-related reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area
By Neil Maizlish et al, published in the American Journal of Public Health
This research quantified health benefits of transportation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) in the San Francisco Bay Area. The research showed that increasing median daily walking and bicycling from 4 to 22 minutes reduced the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes by 14%, increased the traffic injury burden by 39%, and decreased greenhouse-gas emissions by 14%.
Learn more and download the report here.

6 Wins for Social Equity
This fact sheet outlines the objectives of the 6 Wins Network in the Bay Area, a group that came together to ensure the Bay Area’s next transportation and housing plan, One Bay Area, serves residents of ALL races and income levels equally.
Download the brochure

Strategic Investments for a Better Bay Area: A Policy Platform for the Bay Area’s RTP/SCS
TransForm, a leading advocacy organization in the Bay Area, has developed a policy platform for the Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan.  “Strategic Investments for a Better Bay Area” was developed in consultation with a number of other organizations, and includes a set of policy recommendations to influence the transportation investments  in the RTP.  For more information, and to sign on to endorse the platform, go to TransForm’s website.  You can also download a summary of the platform here.

Vision California: Bay Area Regional Results
By Calthorpe Associates
This analysis assesses the economic, energy, health, and land impacts of different ways to accommodate the Bay Area’s expected growth. Scenarios were developed to reflect a range of land use choices, from a business-as-usual future based on past trends to more compact options, including those represented by the regional FOCUS plan.
Download the Regional Results Summary

Bay Area Affordable Housing Survey Report
By the Non-Profit Housing Association
This poll assessed how the current economic crisis affected Bay Area neighbors. Its findings demonstrate popular support in the Bay Area for building more affordable homes.
Download the poll report

Grow Smart Bay Area
By Greenbelt Alliance
This program provides a vision for how the Bay Area can grow sustainably.
Visit the website

Click here for ClimatePlan’s complete Resource Library.

 Quick Fact

In the San Francisco Bay Area, a study by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission found that when people both live and work within a half a mile of a transit station, they are ten times more likely to take transit. Approximately 42 percent who live and work near transit take the bus or train, whereas just 4 percent of others ride transit to work.

Regional Overview

• The Bay Area region includes 101 cities, nine counties, and more than 7 million residents, and is expected to grow to 9 million residents by 2035.
• A successful Sustainable Communities Strategy in the Bay Area will provide a range of important benefits including reduced traffic congestion and air pollution and a better balance between location of jobs and homes.
• A number of agencies are involved in transportation and land use planning in the Bay Area, and have joined together, along with nonprofit organizations and other stakeholders, as OneBayArea to work on the Sustainable Communities StrategyUltimately, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, in conjunction with the Association of Bay Area Governments, is responsible for developing the SCS.

SB 375 Greenhouse-gas emissions reduction targets:
• 2020: 7% per capita reduction from 2005 level
• 2035:15% per capita reduction from 2005 level

To get involved and learn more, see the websites of partner groups listed below. Contact ClimatePlan for help getting connected.

What They’re Saying

“We see [SB 375] as providing real community benefits. We have a problem in our community with air quality, so this is a significant benefit for us. It will also give us more energy security and independence, and most importantly it will give us a more livable community.” — Mayor Janet Abelson – El Cerrito

Partners in the Region

American Lung Association in California
Breathe California
ChangeLab Solutions
Greenbelt Alliance
Non-Profit Housing Association
Public Advocates
Public Health Institute
Regional Asthma Management & Prevention Initiative
Urban Land Institute – San Francisco
Urban Habitat

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