Here’s 3 more reasons why we need stronger targets

In December, we gave you 5 reasons why we can adopt stronger SB 375 regional targets. On March 22nd, the Air Resources Board will adopt the next round of SB 375 regional targets. We don’t believe these targets go far enough. Here’s why.

Here are the hearing details if you can attend:
Thursday, March 22nd, 9:00am
Location: Riverside County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street, 1st Floor
Riverside, CA 92501

We can create a better, more sustainable future

We’ve inherited communities that are dependent on cars and segregated by race and income. But we don’t have to keep building and investing in these types of communities. We can create communities where:

  1. You don’t have to get in the car every time you want to go somewhere.
  2. There is affordable housing near your job, your schools, and places you need to go.
  3. You’re free to choose where you want to live.

How do we create these types of communities? We start by dismantling the existing policies and funding priorities that keep us stuck. SB 375 is one tool that can help us start dismantling those priorities.

We need strong targets to put us on the right track

In February, Air Resources Board (ARB) released their proposed regional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. However, according to ARB staff, these targets will not be enough for us to reach our state’s climate goal. The proposed targets would achieve a 19 percent reduction in statewide per capita GHG, but we need a 25 percent reduction if we’re going to meet the goal of SB 32.

So what do we need? Here are three things ARB can do to put us on the right track:

  • Adopt strong targets: The proposed regional GHG reduction targets only achieve a 19 percent reduction in statewide per capita GHG -- that’s only 1 percent change from what the currently adopted plans already would achieve! In ARB staff’s analysis of various potential land use and transportation strategies, they found that the regions could achieve up to an additional 5 percent reduction in GHG emissions. We’re already feeling the impacts of climate change. We cannot afford incremental increases when we know the regions can do more. We encourage ARB to adopt stronger targets.
  • Elevate equitable GHG reduction strategies: We need to address climate change and make sure our most vulnerable communities aren’t harmed while we do this. ARB needs to elevate GHG reduction strategies that encourage and promote social equity. This means that these strategies cannot worsen or exacerbate patterns of regional segregation or displacement. With the shift to focusing on land use and transportation strategies to reduce GHG emissions, we recommend that ARB staff conduct a social equity analysis of these strategies to ensure they meets the needs of low-income communities and communities of color.
  • Partner with advocates and stakeholders to implement SB 150 (Allen): We need strong targets, but we also need accountability. Last year we helped pass SB 150 (Allen) which requires ARB to track each region’s progress towards achieving their regional GHG reduction targets. By measuring the actual results of our regional plans compared to the anticipated results, we will all know where we are succeeding and where we are falling short. This report can help shape our next steps to shift land use and transportation patterns to reduce GHG emissions and achieve the State’s climate goals. We recommend ARB work with advocates and other stakeholders to ensure this progress report is reflective of diversity of needs and issues in California.  

We need your help! Help us create a better, more sustainable future!

Here are a few actions you can take:

  • Tweet to the Air Resources Board:
    “@AirResources @MaryNicholsCA We need ambitious GHG reduction from #SB375. Support stronger #SB375 targets.”  
  • Attend the ARB board meeting in Riverside on March 22. Email Ella at ella “AT” climateplanca DOT org if you can attend.

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