Fact Sheets/ Platforms

Fact Sheets

Local Transportation Funding Through Ballot Initiatives quick facts

ClimatePlan developed a one page fact-sheet on local transportation funding through ballot measures. Download the fact sheet here. We also created a two-page factsheet that outlines how initiatives are put on the ballot, how ballots pass, and the regulations that govern local ballot initiative. Download that factsheet here



Road Pricing Fact Sheet

ClimatePlan developed this fact sheet for those unfamiliar with road pricing as a CAPTI strategy. See also: our blog summarizing a presentation during our May 2022 CAPTI workgroup meeting from guest speakers Stuart Cohen and John Gahbauer, whom have both published research on pricing of the transportation sector. Download the road pricing fact sheet.




CAPTI Explainer

ClimatePlan developed this chart, which breaks down the Climate Action Plan for Transportation infrastructure (CAPTI framework). The chart is centered around transportation (and beyond) planning and funding. Download the chart.




SB 1 Workshop talking pointsSB_1_Talking_points_cover.png

This document compiles talking points for three SB 1 programs; the Trade Corridor Enhancement Account, Solutions for Congested Corridors, and Local Partnership Program. It is a living document. Please feel free to add comments or email Nicole if you want to add resources or points. Contribute to this document here.





California Air Resources Board: 2022 Scoping Plan Update

ClimatePlan developed a one-pager, which summarizes the 2022 Scoping Plan update process for the California Air Resource Board. It also highlights actions to take and why the 2022 Scoping Plan is important. Download the one-pager.





California's Climate Goals & Transportation Spending 

ClimatePlan developed a fact sheet to show that despite California's ambitious climate goals, the state's transportation investments continue to prioritize roads and highways. This fact sheet shows that if California does not transform how it spends transportation funds, the state will not meet its climate goals. Download the fact sheet


Platforms and Frameworks

  • Guiding Principles for Equitable Engagement in Coordinated Planning
    ClimatePlan worked with Local Government Commission, Youth United for Community Action, Fresnoland, Anza Borrego Foundation, and Nature For All to develop these guidelines for equitable engagement. This platform builds upon expertise from our organizational perspectives and research completed by CivicSpark fellows. Download the guidelines
  • Commitment to Investment without Displacement
    ClimatePlan worked with partner organizations to develop this policy platform, which includes a shared goal and nine principles to ensure investment without displacement. This platform builds upon expertise from partners across different issue areas such as housing, environment, social equity, transportation, and conservation to provide an cross-sector approach to address this complex issue. Download the platform
  • Mapping and Planning for Public Health
    The Public Health Alliance of Southern California is releasing the California Healthy Places Index to map cumulative health advantage. The index maps social determinants of health: economic, social, political, and environmental factors that influence people's physical and cognitive function, behavior, and disease. The data is from publicly available sources, at a census tract level. Freely available online, to help communities and public and private agencies help prioritize investments, resources, and programs. PowerPoint introduction

  • City and Regional Planning for Parks, Open Space, and Agriculture
    The Nature Conservancy, Trust for Public Land, and The Conservation Fund recently launched the Greenprint Resource Hub, a first-of-its-kind database for practitioners, policymakers, and community members looking to incorporate parks, open space, and agriculture into their economic and social goals. The database includes detailed case studies of how cities and surrounding regions have incorporated nature into city and regional planning, informing their decisions about how to grow and where to protect land to secure habitat, water, recreation, and food production.

  • 2016 RTP Platform: Advancing Sustainable Equitable Regional Planning
    ClimatePlan worked with Public Advocates, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, and California Pan-Ethnic Health Network to develop this policy platform, which includes ten detailed recommendations for the Regional Transportation Plan Guidelines in 2016. This policy platform is a great resource for any group working on an RTP update.
    Download the platform
  • Social Equity Policies for SB 375 Targets
    From 2010 - 2012, ClimatePlan partnered with Public Advocates and others to promote a socially equitable approach to SB 375 targets. This approach would analyze the potential beneficial and harmful impacts of targets and SCSs on lower income Californians and communities of color specifically, and select alternatives that maximize both GHG reduction and positive equity impacts while avoiding or offsetting any negative impacts.
    Download recommendations 
  • SB 375 Health & Equity Metrics  
    This brief summary by Human Impact Partners, created in 2011, provides Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) with a set of metrics to promote health and equity as well as sustainability. For example, a plan selected using the indicator “Automobile Level of Service (LOS) on Roadways,” will prioritize making driving easier, despite the many ways driving harms health; instead, using “Premature Death due to Traffic­-Related Pollution” will be more likely to reduce pollution by promoting alternate forms of transportation. Download 2-page summary

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