ClimatePlan's Advisory Board is Growing

Welcome ClimatePlan's newest Policy Advisory Board Members, Bryn Lindblad and Amy Thomson! Read more about each of them and the experience they're bringing to ClimatePlan. Our Advisory Board also has a few more openings, are you or someone you know a good fit?

ClimatePlan's Advisory Board

ClimatePlan’s strength is that we're able to bring together diverse groups from across California to advance land use and transportation efforts. We do this because we believe, and have always believed, that no single organization can do this work alone. Bringing people together does not always come easy, and in times of disagreements and hard conversations, we lean on our Policy Advisory Board to help guide the organization. 

With that said I am so happy to announce our two newest Advisory Board additions, Amy Thomson and Bryn Lindblad. A full list of Advisory Board members can be found here.

Join ClimatePlan's new Advisory Board 

The Advisory Board is responsible for big picture decisions that involve strategic direction, significant policy decisions, and organizational and partnership strategy. This group will be comprised of 10 - 16 people across geography and issue areas that meet every other month. There are still several spots to be filled on our boards. If you are interested in joining ClimatePlan’s Governance Advisory Board or ClimatePlan’s Policy Advisory Board, please contact Nailah at [email protected].

Meet our latest Policy Advisory Board members:

Bryn Lindblad, Deputy Director, Climate Resolve
Bryn builds coalitions to create better multi-mobility options and more inclusive, livable, and thriving communities. As co-chair of LA Metro's Sustainability Council and as the Environment & Social Equity representative on LA Metro's Policy Advisory Council, her top priorities are higher-quality bus service (dedicated lanes, bus shelters, and better job quality), green infrastructure-protected bike lanes, and community-driven place-keeping strategies. Bryn is lead facilitator of the Inland Southern California Climate Collaborative (ISC3), where impacts of the logistics sector are a primary focus. In 2020, she was awarded the 'Slayer of Stupid Freeways; Defender of Joshua Trees' Streetsie Award (by Streetsblog) for her successful organizing in the High Desert. In collaboration with ClimatePlan, Bryn was lead author of the 'More Choices, Less Traffic' vehicle miles traveled (VMT) framing document (2018), as well as the 'Lead the Way, CA' transportation platform (2018), which targeted the incoming Newsom Administration and led to the development of the California 'Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure' (CAPTI). She has a B.A. in public policy from Swarthmore College, an MSc. in sustainable planning from Roskilde University (Denmark), and is currently teaching a course in urban sustainability at the USC Price School of Public Policy.

Amy Thomson, Transportation Policy Analyst, TransForm

Amy is a transportation policy analyst for TransForm with a focus on accessible and affordable transportation systems that connect people to recreational and economic opportunities. She discovered city planning working as a journalist. Attending city and county government meetings opened a lens on what mattered to the residents who had the ability to apply for an ADU on their property or advocate for sidewalks leading to their local bus stop. Now, she analyzes transportation policies and manages campaigns across the state, building coalitions and advocating for progressive transportation policies and funding.

  • Moiz Mir
    published this page in Blog 2022-06-02 12:00:44 -0700

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