State Policy: Opportunities and Challenges at the end of 2019
In October, we at ClimatePlan were elated to announce Governor Newsom’s latest effort to tackle climate change – Executive Order N-19-19 – which required the State Transportation Agency will leverage $5 billion in annual state transportation spending to:
- Align the state’s climate goals with the state’s transportation spending.
- Reduce driving by strengthening the connection between jobs, housing, and transportation.
- Reduce congestion by investing in innovative strategies that encourage people to shift from cars to other modes of transportation.
- Invest in transportation options that improve Californians’ health such as walking, bicycling, and other active modes.
- Mitigate costs for lower-income Californians.
This type of action is critical if California wants to avoid even more destructive wildfires.
Read moreGovernor releases ambitious Executive Actions. What’s next for California’s transportation system?
Almost two weeks ago, Governor Gavin Newsom released an ambitious set of executive actions targeted at advancing California’s climate leadership. California continues to set the bar for the nation in its efforts to fight climate change through its innovative policies. With laws like SB 375, which require regions in California to develop plans to show how they will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) from passenger vehicles and light duty trucks—and an ambitious target of reducing emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030—it’s clear that California’s leadership on climate change provides a model with global implications.
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