There are three very important transportation bills at the Governor’s desk, now awaiting his signature. It’s time to make your move. Send a letter today urging the Governor to sign these important bills to help us: tackle climate change, increase representation on the state transportation commission, and provide free or reduced fares for low-income students to ride public transit.
The Bills
SB 150 will align each region’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets to SB 32 (Pavley) and require the Air Resources Board (ARB) to monitor each region’s progress towards achieving their GHG reduction targets. This means that each region’s GHG reduction targets would help us get closer to achieving our state’s ambitious climate goals and building sustainable equitable communities – ones where people can find homes that they can afford near a well-paying job, connected by transportation choices, and surrounded by protected farms and natural landscapes. Download a sample letter here.
AB 179 would require the Governor to ensure the California Transportation Commission (CTC) has a diverse membership when appointing members to the commission; it would also require regular coordination between the CTC and ARB. The CTC plays an important role to shape our transportation system. Diversity is critical for this commission to ensure that all Californians live in communities where they have safe and equitable access to all forms of mobility. Download a sample letter here.
AB 17 would create a statewide pilot transit pass program to provide funds for free or reduced fare transit passes for low-income middle, high school, and college students. We must take every viable step we can to build ridership for the state’s investments in a transit system for the future. Well-designed student pass programs have been shown to significantly increase student ridership as well as GHG emissions and air pollution. Download the letter here.
Take Action
The Governor must sign these bills by October 15. Please send in letters of support for these bills today.
For more information, contact info “AT” climateplan “DOT” org.