We are excited to share some big news with you!
For years, we’ve known that the name “ClimatePlan” doesn’t fully capture the breadth of our coalition, or let us connect with all elements of our politically diverse state.
After all, we can’t plan the climate. The state’s diminishing snowpack and extended drought have made that clear! But we can plan for all Californians to have the freedom to choose how they live, work, and travel.
So here’s our news: Following recent best practices emerging from Florida, ClimatePlan is adopting a new name: FreedomPlan!
Because our name should answer the questions everyone’s asking:
– As Baby Boomers reach their 70s in areas without public transit, do seniors have the freedom to walk a few short miles to town?
– As sea levels rise, can residents in low-lying areas freely relocate, at least to the upper stories of their homes?
– And are kids free to paddle-boat on safe, amphibious routes to school?
– As maintenance is deferred, can self-reliant Bay Area commuters avoid BART delays by traversing a crumpled Bay Bridge using an innovative system of ropes and pulleys?
– And as drought and development affect farmland, do Californians have the freedom to forage, gathering dandelions and hunting pigeons with bows and arrows, for true locavore cuisine?
In our vision: Oh yes.
We are all free to become spike-clad climate warriors! Freedom warriors, that is.
If you’ve made it this far, we know that you are a true ally of freedom — and that you’re working with us to expand climate-friendly housing and transportation choices — long before our state resembles any scene from a Mel Gibson movie.
Happy April Fool’s Day, freedom fans!