New climate change targets: How the California Transportation Plan 2040 can help get us there

Governor Jerry Brown just set tough new targets to make sure California actually meet its climate goals. The existing goal is to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.

Now the state must cut emissions by 40% by 2030.

To reach that goal, we have to tackle transportation, the biggest source of carbon emissions.

That makes Caltrans’ California Transportation Plan 2040 (CTP 2040) critical. This is where the state can reduce people’s need to drive by investing in a full system of public transportation: trains, buses, vanpools and other ride-sharing. Not in widening highways. For more background on the CTP 2040, see our earlier post.

ClimatePlan submitted a comment letter on the plan signed by our partners at the California Bicycle Coalition, California Walks, the Center for Climate Change and Health, Move LA, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sacramento Housing Alliance, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, and TransForm.

Thanks to everyone who went to meetings and submitted comments on the plan.

What’s next:
Now that the public comment period has ended, Caltrans will incorporate the feedback and consult with regional agencies and its policy and technical committees. The final document is scheduled to be completed in December 2015. Find out more here.

ClimatePlan is continuing to work with Caltrans staff to make sure the CTP 2040 sets an ambitious and achievable path for California’s transportation system.

You can stay engaged by joining ClimatePlan’s workgroup on state transportation agencies: Email our workgroup leader, Jeanie Ward Waller at the California Bicycle Coalition. Please stay tuned to hear about our other state transportation work.

Plans like these are where the rubber hits the road.

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